Let Transformative Ideas Shape Your Second Year at Duke

A new program for Duke sophomores offers students the opportunity to participate in courses that promote open and civil cross-disciplinary dialogue about “Transformative Ideas” – those enduring questions and big ideas that change lives, link cultures, and shape societies around the world.

Launched in Spring 2022, the Transformative Ideas program equips students to complete their general education requirements and prepare for their majors while exploring the deep questions of meaning, value, purpose, and spirit that confront us as human beings and citizens. It welcomes students from diverse backgrounds and viewpoints into an intellectual community where they can learn and grow together as they tackle the questions they will continue to ask throughout the rest of their personal and professional lives.

Building on opportunities like Focus and the What Now? offerings that are available for Duke first-year students, this program serves as a strategic next step for undergraduates who would like to continue thematically-based studies through their second year at Duke.

Courses will also provide avenues for pre-professional students to incorporate humanities thought and questioning into their lines of study.

In addition to these courses, the Transformative Ideas program will incorporate a living-learning community structure that will encourage co-curricular events to draw faculty and students together in more exploratory, relaxed settings. Students in each course will enjoy opportunities to engage with guest speakers inside the classroom and outside over meals. Select talks, a field trip, and co-curricular activities will be open to students in all courses.

three images of TI students

All courses count towards distribution, minor, and major requirements. To participate, just register for one of the courses; there is not need to apply separately to the program. For more information on this program, contact Polly Ha (polly.ha@duke.edu).

Transformative Ideas is offered in partnership with The Purpose Project, a collaboration between the Kenan Institute for Ethics, the Office of Undergraduate Education, and Duke Divinity School.